Living life as God intended is a profoundly personal and spiritual journey that can vary for individuals based on their religious beliefs and interpretations.
As God intended, life may require us to follow certain principles, often out of the norm from what the world tells us. We become who we seek by surrounding ourselves with people and external influences that model Christ.
Navigating through this world involves an action plan. Despite the unpredictability of this life, knowing what God intends for us to do is essential in knowing where to go. Ultimately, we have a choice between eternal life with God and damnation for not living as God intended.
Humans have developed technology that allows us to plan, predict what happens next, and dictate how things will turn out. However, we can’t say we know better either because committing to a faithful lifestyle is challenging, and we may need help to get lost.
Which leads us to a crucial point in our journey: how do we shift ourselves into a life God intended for us to live?
The shift towards life as God intended
And in the book “Life as God Intended” by Dr. Julius Mosley II is a guide to enlighten us on what it means to step out in faith. The moment we begin to accept Christ in our lives, we must make a conscious decision to live according to the will of the Heavenly Father.
In the book, we are also cautioned to evaluate our life’s purpose and what we are here for. Because the world contains so many unexplored treasures and pleasures, we often lose sight of living life as God intended. And so Dr. Julius Mosley II invites us to reflect on our personal desires that shape our reason for living.
However, here are some general principles that we can hold onto to live life as God intended:
Seek a Relationship with God
Cultivate a personal relationship with the divine through prayer, meditation, reflection, and studying sacred texts. Deepen your understanding of God’s teachings and seek guidance in aligning your life with His will.
Follow Moral and Ethical Principles
Strive to live a life of integrity, guided by moral and ethical principles rooted in love, compassion, honesty, justice, and respect for others. Make conscious choices that uphold these values in your thoughts, words, and actions.
We cannot live by bread alone. Following God’s plan for our lives also means following His word without hesitation. No ifs, no buts. The Lord knows what is best for us, and we should pattern ourselves according to His will.
Love God and Others
Embrace the commandment to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. Show kindness, empathy, and compassion towards others, extending love and support to those in need.
If we forget, following Jesus Christ and becoming His true disciple is our true purpose in life. Unless we stray to a different path and refuse to extend God-given love to others, we are no different from those who disobeyed Him.
Serve and Contribute
Engage in acts of service and selflessness, using your unique talents and resources to make a positive difference in the lives of others and the world around you. Seek opportunities to alleviate suffering, promote justice, and foster peace.
Serving in the ministry is considered an honor and privilege to experience because we are directly helping the Heavenly Father. Remember that ministry is part of life as God intended. Without it, we basically have no direction in giving back to God what we owe Him for redeeming us.
Practice Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Embrace forgiveness and reconciliation as transformative practices. Extend forgiveness to those who wronged you and seek reconciliation in relationships, promoting healing and restoring harmony. After all, we are ambassadors of Christ in this evil-driven world. And we are tasked by the Heavenly Father to be exemplary salt and light to the world through forgiveness.
We look to Christ as being a perfect example of this virtue. He has often emphasized the significance of having a forgiving heart, especially to the ones we hardly love. God has forgiven our sins through His Son, and living as God intended also includes reconciling with our fellow people.
Practice Humility and Gratitude
Cultivate humility by recognizing that everything comes from God and expressing gratitude for His blessings. Appreciate the gifts of life, health, relationships, and opportunities, acknowledging that they are all bestowed by a higher power.
Recognize that you are a steward of the resources and talents entrusted to you. Care for the environment, responsibly manage your resources and use your gifts to contribute positively to society.
More importantly, seek wisdom and discernment.
Strive for wisdom and discernment in decision-making, seeking guidance from God and counsel from wise and trusted mentors or spiritual leaders. Trust in divine guidance and be open to spiritual growth and transformation. Remember that living life as God intended is a lifelong journey.
It requires self-reflection, humility, and continuous learning. It is also essential to find support and guidance within your church or seek the counsel of spiritual leaders who can provide insights that align with God’s Word.
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