Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Death is not the end but the beginning of our eternal existence. As soon as we die, that’s when life finally begins.

Typically, it’s a natural thing for us humans to think that when we die, it’s the end. Some of us may assume mere nothingness once the time comes we die. On the other hand, some might also believe in the concept of life after death.

Anyhow, “the end” usually evokes fear among individuals. The fear of losing someone you love or losing yourself to death are both indeed terrifying fractions of the end. Moreover, many of us probably wonder what happens next after we die.

Questions like these begin to bombard us:

“Are we going to be reincarnated?

“When we die, will it all be pitch-black nothingness?”

“Is the feeling of being dead similar to being asleep?”

“Is life after death a thing?”

“Is death the end?”

“What happens next?

We can’t help but feel a sense of peculiarity and curiosity about such matter that actually transcends the boundaries of our minds. That said, fear and anxiety can be implanted within the back of our heads from the thought of the enigma.

Granted, the unknown can be a daunting and scary deep dive. One thing’s for sure: we are afraid to die, and we are afraid of what happens when we die.

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” – John 11:25-26

The thing is, those who trust in Jesus will not experience the finality of death as the end of their story. Instead, their story will culminate in eternal life and resurrection, a never-ending conclusion. Moreover, believers are the rightful possessors of this eternal life, and at the core of God’s purpose lies His greatest aim – the salvation of souls, ensuring their everlasting peace and joy in His presence.

a photo of a sunrise

Photo by Ankhesenamun on Unsplash

“If anyone keeps my word, he will never die. He will never see death” – John 8:51

Death is an immense force that instills fear within the majority of humanity. It is a topic surrounded by numerous unanswered questions, shrouded within an unknown realm that continues to perplex us. Nevertheless, it is crucial for us to acknowledge and come to terms with the inevitability of death. We must accept that this eventuality will eventually befall us, and its occurrence remains unpredictable.

As much as death is an inescapable part of human existence, it does not mark the end of our existence. Death is not the end of life. Instead, it represents a transition into another state. According to the teachings of Jesus, he assured that those who follow and adhere to his teachings will not face the true experience of death. He intended to shift our understanding of death from being the ultimate end to seeing it as a transformation. In this context, Jesus’ teachings demonstrate his power over death.

Furthermore, attaining eternal life is a significant aspect of the Christian faith, and it is essential to understand that this eternal life can only be achieved by committing ourselves to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. This commitment involves submitting to God’s divine will and plan for our lives and being willing to relinquish our desires and ambitions to follow Jesus.

Ultimately, when we make this commitment, we are promised eternal life, which means that although we may experience physical death, our spiritual life is assured. The concept of dying to self and living for Jesus signifies a transformation of our priorities and values, leading to a spiritual rebirth and an everlasting life in the presence of God.

Death is Not the End, Death Is the Beginning: Eternity in God’s Presence

The fear of the inevitability of death should be eradicated from our minds. Instead, let’s perceive it as a part of our spiritual journey that extends beyond our physical existence and leads us to an eternal union with God. Death serves as the threshold to a life that transcends mortal limits and continues infinitely.

Finally, when we turn to the teachings of the Bible concerning death, we find a source of comfort and assurance. As believers, we are encouraged to take confidence in the words of the Bible, knowing that there is nothing to fear. Through our faith in Jesus, we are reminded that the fear of death has no place in our lives. Jesus provides us with the ultimate reassurance, giving us the knowledge that we need not be afraid of the possibility of dying.

We highly recommend reading the life after death book “LIVING LIFE WITH BLINDERS ON Living Life As God Intended” by Julius Mosley II. It reminds us that death is not the end of our story but the beginning of eternal existence. Click here to obtain your own copy now.

Dr. Julius Mosley is a dedicated dentist with over three decades of experience and a passionate advocate for faith-based living. Married for 37 years and a father of three adult children, he leads the evangelism and discipleship ministry at his local church, where he has served for over 20 years. Inspired by a lifelong quest for purpose, he combines his professional expertise with his spiritual journey in his book, "Living Life with Blinders On." Through his writing, Dr. Mosley shares insights on faith, service, and the importance of living a life aligned with God’s intentions.
Julius Mosley
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